Bhavesh's Tryst

Little poems & notes created to break the mudane

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Steps for quick stress reduction

Steps for quick stress reduction

  1. Stop.
  2. Breathe.
  3. Reflect.

After interfering with the automatic stress response, you should now be able to focus on the real problem without the distractions of exaggerated worries. Reflect on the causes of your worry and consider these questions:

    • Why do I leap to negative conclusions?
    • Am I exaggerating the threat?
    • What is the emotional "hook" that sets my stress reaction going? For example, your emotional "hook" might be that you feel unappreciated for what you do and are overburdened as well. Your supervisor should know how much work you have and shouldn't ask you to do more. The hooks are your feelings about the conditions, not the realities.
    • What is the specific problem in this case? By reflecting, you can put aside the feelings and examine the immediate problem. In this case, you have several projects to perform within a limited time frame.
  1. Choose.

The next step is to choose how to deal with the situation. Consider each available option, and then choose the one that best fulfills your goals. Ask yourself:

    • What is my real goal here?
    • What is the best solution to the problem?
    • Do I have the skills and tools to achieve the best solution?
    • What can I possibly do right now? Later today? Tomorrow?

In a work overload situation, you might choose to do one of the following:

    • Prioritize the projects, and work on the most urgent one first.
    • Let your supervisor know that you won't be able to finish the report until the next day.
    • Plan to work during your lunch break to finish the work on time.
    • Ask a colleague to help you with one or two of the tasks.

Once you've made your decision, then you can then act on it.

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