Bhavesh's Tryst

Little poems & notes created to break the mudane

Monday, April 04, 2011


Single principle

PART 2 : LEARNINGS FOR EXCELLENCE PROCESS : ( 2 ) Along the way a single overlooked physical principle is introduced and shown to have been present all along but misrepresented as “energy”. This new principle is applied to all known observations and experiments, resulting in a new scientific paradigm that replaces today’s collection of troubled theories, removing all the abstractions, mysteries and paradoxes. Gravity is explained simply and clearly for the first time via this new principle, as are all other known forms of energy (light,electricity, magnetism, etc.) . This sweeping and compelling scientific rethink demonstrates that a unified and coherent science based on one fundamental underlying principle actually has been there always , it was also known to Humanity , but unfortunately, we forgot 10,000 years ago. THINK!!!

PART 4 : TO THE FUTURE FAST :  ( 3 )   This  highly sought-after understanding in science is referred to as the Theory Of Everything presenting a  compelling rethink of the science legacy we have inherited over the past few centuries – from Newton through to Einstein. It shows that the increasing abstractions, paradoxes and mysteries that typify today's science through such core theories as Quantum Mechanics, Special Relativity, General Relativity, and further speculative String Theory, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, etc., simply demonstrate that our scientists are struggling within the wrong perspective. LETS Reclaim our Lost Birthright Of Understanding . TFTD brings a crucial stage in BRAND YOU development process . WATCH OUT AND BE WITH US  THINK!!!

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