Bhavesh's Tryst

Little poems & notes created to break the mudane

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Mahatma Gandhi

As Mahatma Gandhi said, "Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Judgement in the favour of owl



"एक बार एक हंस और हंसिनी हरिद्वार के सुरम्य वातावरण से भटकते हुए उजड़े, वीरान और रेगिस्तान के इलाके में आ गये !

हंसिनी ने हंस को कहा कि ये किस उजड़े इलाके में आ गये हैं ? यहाँ न तो जल है, न जंगल और न ही ठंडी हवाएं हैं ! यहाँ तो हमारा जीना मुश्किल हो जायेगा ! भटकते २ शाम हो गयी तो हंस ने हंसिनी से कहा कि किसी तरह आज कि रात बिता लो, सुबह हम लोग हरिद्वार लौट चलेंगे !

रात हुई तो जिस पेड़ के नीचे हंस और हंसिनी रुके थे उस पर एक उल्लू बैठा था। वह जोर २ से चिल्लाने लगा।

हंसिनी ने हंस से कहा, अरे यहाँ तो रात में सो भी नहीं सकते। ये उल्लू चिल्ला रहा है। हंस ने फिर हंसिनी को समझाया कि किसी तरह रात काट लो, मुझे अब समझ में आ गया है कि ये इलाका वीरान क्यूँ है ? ऐसे उल्लू जिस इलाके में रहेंगे वो तो वीरान और उजड़ा रहेगा ही। पेड़ पर बैठा उल्लू दोनों कि बात सुन रहा था। सुबह हुई, उल्लू नीचे आया और उसने कहा कि हंस भाई मेरी वजह से आपको रात में तकलीफ हुई, मुझे माफ़ कर दो। हंस ने कहा, कोई बात नही भैया, आपका धन्यवाद !

यह कहकर जैसे ही हंस अपनी हंसिनी को लेकर आगे बढ़ा, पीछे से उल्लू चिल्लाया, अरे हंस मेरी पत्नी को लेकर कहाँ जा रहे हो। हंस चौंका, उसने कहा, आपकी पत्नी? अरे भाई, यह हंसिनी है, मेरी पत्नी है, मेरे साथ आई थी, मेरे साथ जा रही है !

उल्लू ने कहा, खामोश रहो, ये मेरी पत्नी है। दोनों के बीच विवाद बढ़ गया। पूरे इलाके के लोग इक्कठा हो गये। कई गावों की जनता बैठी। पंचायत बुलाई गयी। पंच लोग भी आ गये ! बोले, भाई किस बात का विवाद है ? लोगों ने बताया कि उल्लू कह रहा है कि हंसिनी उसकी पत्नी है और हंस कह रहा है कि हंसिनी उसकी पत्नी है !

लम्बी बैठक और पंचायत के बाद पञ्च लोग किनारे हो गये और कहा कि भाई बात तो यह सही है कि हंसिनी हंस की ही पत्नी है, लेकिन ये हंस और हंसिनी तो अभी थोड़ी देर में इस गाँव से चले जायेंगे। हमारे बीच में तो उल्लू को ही रहना है। इसलिए फैसला उल्लू के ही हक़ में ही सुनाना है ! फिर पंचों ने अपना फैसला सुनाया और कहा कि सारे तथ्यों और सबूतों कि जांच करने के बाद यह पंचायत इस नतीजे पर पहुंची है कि हंसिनी उल्लू की पत्नी है और हंस को तत्काल गाँव छोड़ने का हुक्म दिया जाता है !

यह सुनते ही हंस हैरान हो गया और रोने, चीखने और चिल्लाने लगा कि पंचायत ने गलत फैसला सुनाया। उल्लू ने मेरी पत्नी ले ली ! रोते- चीखते जब वहआगे बढ़ने लगा तो उल्लू ने आवाज लगाई - ऐ मित्र हंस, रुको ! हंस ने रोते हुए कहा कि भैया, अब क्या करोगे ? पत्नी तो तुमने ले ही ली, अब जान भी लोगे ?

उल्लू ने कहा, नहीं मित्र, ये हंसिनी आपकी पत्नी थी, है और रहेगी ! लेकिन कल रात जब मैं चिल्ला रहा था तो आपने अपनी पत्नी से कहा था कि यह इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ उल्लू रहता है ! मित्र, ये इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए नहीं है कि यहाँ उल्लू रहता है । यह इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ पर ऐसे पञ्च रहते हैं जो उल्लुओं के हक़ में फैसला सुनाते हैं !

शायद ६५ साल कि आजादी के बाद भी हमारे देश की दुर्दशा का मूल कारण यही है कि हमने हमेशा अपना फैसला उल्लुओं के ही पक्ष में सुनाया है। इस देश क़ी बदहाली और दुर्दशा के लिए कहीं न कहीं हम भी जिम्मेदार हैं।"



Monday, April 08, 2013


Article on Meditation

·         Where is the need to meditate, first of all? Starting the process of life was not your conscious choice, it “happened” to you. When you were born your body was so small, and now it has grown. So obviously, the body is something that you gathered. It is an accumulation. What you call as “my body” is an accumulation of food. Similarly, what you call as “my mind” is an accumulation of impressions.

Whatever you accumulate can be yours, but it can never be you. The very fact you accumulated it means that you gathered it from somewhere else. Today you could gather a 70 kg body, but you can decide to make it a 60 kg body. You don’t go looking for that 10 kg, because that was an accumulation. Once you drop it, it is gone. Similarly, your mind is an accumulation of impressions.

The moment you are identified in your experience, the moment you are identified with something that you are not, your perception gets distorted. The moment you start experiencing this body, which you gathered from outside, as “myself,” the moment you start experiencing the impressions that you have in your mind as “myself,” you cannot perceive life the way it is. You will only perceive life the way it is necessary for your survival and not the way it really is.

Once you have come as a human being, survival is very important, but it is not enough. If you had come here like any other creature on this planet, stomach full – life would be settled. But once you come here as a human being, life does not end with survival. Actually, for a human being, life begins only after survival is fulfilled.

Meditation gives you an experience, an inner state, where what is you and what is yours is separated. There is a little distance, there is a little space between what is you and what you have accumulated. For now we can understand this as meditation.

What is the use of doing this? It brings an absolute clarity of perception. You see life just the way it is – no distortions about it. Right now, your ability to go through this world is only to the extent that you clearly see it. If I have no clarity of vision but confidence and I try to go through this world, I am going to be a bumbling idiot. Whenever there is no perception, people try to overcome that by building confidence in themselves. People are trying to make up for the lack of clarity with other kinds of substitutes. There is no substitute for clarity.

Once you understand this, you naturally become meditative; you want to clear up everything and just look at life the way it is, because you want to walk through life with the least amount of friction, without stumbling on this or that.

Friday, April 05, 2013


Quote about fear

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.


Good 1




Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Chocolate Train!





Amazing. The Creator of this master piece must be a man with a STRONG WILL.

I wonder how many of us are lucky to see it or would be lucky to see in the future.
A train made entirely of chocolate has set a new Guinness World Record as the longest chocolate structure in the world. The sculpture, on display at the busy Brussels South station, is 112-feet (34.05 meters) long and weighs over 2,755 pounds (1250 kilos). Maltese chocolate artist Andrew Farrugia spent over 700 hours constructing the masterpiece. He said he came up with the idea of the train last year after visiting the Belgian Chocolate Festival in Bruge: "I had this idea for a while, and I said what do you think if we do this realization of a long chocolate train, you know, because a train you can make it as long as you like. "Actually it was going to be much smaller than it was, but I kept on adding another wagon, and another wagon, and it's the size it is today."Farrugia had previously built a smaller train of 12 feet for an event in Malta, which he said gave him insight about how to build this much larger version. There are two parts to the train. The first seven wagons are modeled after the new Belgian trains, and the rest of the train is modeled after the old train wagons, including a wagon with a bar and restaurant on board.Three days before the event, Farrugia transported the chocolate train by truck in 25 wooden boxes from Malta to Belgium. Farrugia said the train incurred considerable damage during the drive and several of the train's walls had completely collapsed. Luckily, with hard work and little sleep, the chocolate artist was able to fix all the damages before presenting the train to the public on Monday.After measuring the length of the train and confirming no material other than chocolate was used, officials from the Guinness Book of World Records added a new category to the collection of world records and declared the train to be the longest chocolate structure in the world.





Monday, April 01, 2013




In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. -Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, musician, Nobel laureate (1875-1965)


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